sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

9 comentários:

Untouchable disse...

Lets! Boa Páscoa :)

Miss em cena herself disse...

Boa Páscoa, Sr. Homónimo-de-Apresentador-de-Programas-da-Manhã-Radiofónicos ;-)

Untouchable disse...

ahahah Thats toooo Wild! I'm outraged! Houve aqui uma certa falta de "Rigor" mas ela será devidamente tratada...

Obrigado Sra. que-faz-parte-do-grupo-de-pessoas-que-preferem-escrever-por-justaposição ;)

psst - Como cúmplice (ou master mind, ainda não sei) não escaparás impune! :D

Miss em cena herself disse...

I must say I'm impressed with your speed of thought and association ability: you've reached level 1, by finding out our "mutual friend". ;-)

But, please, don't blame the informer. Is just this stupid curiosity of mine that some day will be my desgrace...

Untouchable disse...

Lol level 1, seems like an achievement :D

Don't worry in accordance to your request I've skipped blame and gone right to punishment with our mutual friend :P

Mas pode-se dizer que isso já está a ser tratado e andar de "Mota" praticamente.

psst - I wonder which level I'll achieve when you do some association of your own and in what level of trouble she'll be in now ;)

Miss em cena herself disse...

Bravo! What can I say? Faster than your own shadow. ;-)

Estava convencida que ias demorar + tempo, mas parece que "our mutual friend" é uma desbocated creature pra os dois lados eh eh eh fair enough ;-)

I've only requested her a little more time for you to discover me, but seems that your charming skills are way better than her suspense technics ;-)

Untouchable disse...

Why thank you that's too kind :D lol
Now don't be too hard on our mutual friend ;) it's not his fault. Not this time at least... :P

I'm afraid if it were up to my charming skills I wouldn't be any where near the answers. My curiosity is far more effective!

Looks like we're almost even steven ;)

Miss em cena herself disse...

Almost? I thought we're even by now. What you mean by "almost"?

Untouchable disse...

oh... nothing nothing lol

A truce :P for now :D